My buddy over at Senses Lumines and I just had another weekend of Gunpla building, and we were able to accomplish quite a few things. Let me catch up to events first. Since my last Gundam post we just had to grab another kit because of a few new techniques we learned over at Mechapinoy. We were initially torn between MG Wing Zero Ver.Ka, and MG Strike Noir. After careful deliberation and analysis (we flipped a coin) we ended up purchasing MG Strike Noir!
MG Strike Noir by default is really a slightly re-tooled Strike Gundam. Normally we wouldn't have even bothered because its like buying another Strike with a different color scheme and slightly different parts, not to mention added mobility. It just happened to look real cool and we also REEEAAALLY like the Strike MG design.
Our tools!
A new technique we picked up!
Assembly time!
Nearly done!
After basking in the glow of a really well made Strike Noir (by our standards) my buddy finally came to the conclusion that it was high time we sorta updated our original MG Strike. As you know, Strike with IWSP was our very first MG, and after our progress with paints and detailing, we agreed that an upgrade to Strikes' color was well called for.
We started the following day, by carefully removing all the armor plates, as well as separating Strike into his primary components. This was rather difficult given that we have yet to learn the "nipping of male parts that connect to the female connector" technique that allows you to remove parts easily. We then proceeded to sanding the respective parts and then painting them. We decided to change his color scheme, and well... The results were encouraging, but lacking in something...
We had to separate most all of Strikes' parts into his basic components.
Our newly competed Strike Noir lending a hand as his brother lay in pieces...
Notice a lot of red parts... Custom paint job alert!
We left a few panels white "ala" Astray.
The finished product... Red Strike!
It was a very productive weekend for us Gundam building-wise, and although we were able to finish painting our Strike, we still need a little more time to completely finish his IWSP pack, as well as a few more adjustments to his color scheme.
Keep you posted on any further changes... For now more details here and here.
MG Strike Noir by default is really a slightly re-tooled Strike Gundam. Normally we wouldn't have even bothered because its like buying another Strike with a different color scheme and slightly different parts, not to mention added mobility. It just happened to look real cool and we also REEEAAALLY like the Strike MG design.
We were right... The kit really resembles Strike to an astonishing degree, but we still enjoyed it immensely. Aside from the longer build time due to a few more techniques we decided to implement, we were able to complete the entire project en a little over 17 hours (that's everything including the Noir Striker pack, with meal breaks).
After basking in the glow of a really well made Strike Noir (by our standards) my buddy finally came to the conclusion that it was high time we sorta updated our original MG Strike. As you know, Strike with IWSP was our very first MG, and after our progress with paints and detailing, we agreed that an upgrade to Strikes' color was well called for.
We started the following day, by carefully removing all the armor plates, as well as separating Strike into his primary components. This was rather difficult given that we have yet to learn the "nipping of male parts that connect to the female connector" technique that allows you to remove parts easily. We then proceeded to sanding the respective parts and then painting them. We decided to change his color scheme, and well... The results were encouraging, but lacking in something...
It was a very productive weekend for us Gundam building-wise, and although we were able to finish painting our Strike, we still need a little more time to completely finish his IWSP pack, as well as a few more adjustments to his color scheme.
Keep you posted on any further changes... For now more details here and here.