Friday, April 4, 2008

Burned and Bummed Out...

I've been feeling a little burned and bummed out lately... Mainly because of the annoying back problems.

I'm stuck in bed because walking around aggravates my condition and I apparently still need a little more rest before my back pains go the way of the dinosaurs. Unfortunately, aside from blogging, there really isn't much to do. I don't watch a lot of TV anymore like I used to, I don't have any new books to occupy my time, all that's left me is sleep and the occasional bath, gee, I've had three baths today already! I'm probably cleaner than the soap I'm using...

However, I find myself without sleep, the pain jars me awake from time to time then I just lie down and wait for boredom to takeover and knock me out again, I end up reflecting until sleep takes over, but it's not a fun thing to be left to one's thoughts so late at night.

Then as my day progresses, the lost slumber catches up and forces me to take a nap at the most annoying of times.

Now, having just awoken from a nap, I don't expect to get any sleep again till the wee hours of the morning...

Someone just kill me now...

Before the ghosts of my past, the shadows of my thoughts haunt me once more.

For now is the spring of my discontent.

When will it's winter come?

No peace x_x

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